Friday, March 7, 2008

Obama Aide Sorry for 'Monster' Comment

Decision 2008 is one of the most popular presidential nomination campaigns in history. It has brought forth a lot of media attention; attracting one of the highest on record voter turn out. The presidential candidates must stay on their p's and q's, as it is a very close race and anybody can be the victor at this point. Also, the actions of those in the political candidates’ camp can have a negative impact on the outcome of the campaign. Mudslinging is very common in politics. So far in the primaries the Democrats have run a pretty clean race. In, "Obama Aide Sorry for 'Monster' Comment," we get a good example of mudslinging and how it obscures the public’s impression of the whole political outfit. An adviser to Obama reportedly told a Scottish newspaper that Hillary Clinton was a "monster." Obama believes that this race should be based on the embitterment of the nation, and not deceitful campaign tactics. This comment made by his adviser is kind of a blow to his integrity. Obama commented on this indiscretion and said that the views of his advisers are not necessarily his own, and that such indiscretions have no place in this campaign. I think that this is definitely a knock to Obama's integrity. When the campaign starts to reach these kinds of lows, we as the public, start to see ourselves as a secondary interest. Obama's campaign stood on truths, change, and building up the community. When the candidates start going back and forth, criticizing each other, we start to question their integrity.

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