Friday, March 7, 2008

In Support of Hillary

I am writing in support of the article that gives great detail in the debate between barrack obama and Ms. Hillary Clinton. There are great points in this article it gives a great understanding of how the debate went and who won and did not win. The debate was held in Austin Texas and while I was unable to go I still feel it was a special debate to all democratic Texans. The debate was long and very intense the candidates made good points but also did not seem so strong at various times during the debate. The article portrays the different sets of moods in the debate and gave a lot of quotes which I like, the article also quoted a nineteen year old Texan who attends university of Texas at Austin as saying twenty or thirty years from now this is something she will look back and say wow that was something I attended (speaking of the debate). Those to me are very crucial points an article needs to have is quotes or as I like to say “coming straight from the horse’s mouth” it was a great article on great subject so I feel everyone should give ten minutes of your time to read an article that blew me away and if I was not a participant of the debate , but I was then I would surely would have regretted not doing so after reading this article. I am democrat so hit the heart just a little more but I am sure democrats, republicans and other would love to have seen this debate it was two intelligent people going on about subjects that are very serious to this great country. My opinion is for anyone reading this to read the article and watch the debate because their both “GREAT”.

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